2023 Annual AISC Conference

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Thank you so much for attending the AISC's 10th Annual Conference and AGM!


This page is reserved for 2023 Conference attendees to access the 2023 Conference Evaluation form, as well as photos and presentations from the event.

DISCLAIMER - Use of the presentations and the information is granted for education and outreach purposes and only with credit to the individual and/or organization it was presented by. 


Early Detection Rapid Response – Wyoming Case Study

Mark Daluge, Teton County Weed and Pest District


Environmental Monitoring

Vivianne Servant, Government of Alberta (retired)


Searching for Invasive Species in Alberta's Lakes

Bradley Peter, Alberta Lake Management Society

Partnership – The Key to Weed Control on Vacant Crown Land

Natasha Rinas, Government of Alberta


Efficacy of Indaziflam for the Control of Invasive Annual Grasses

Dr. Victoria Maloney, Envu

Functional Eradication as a Framework for Invasive Species Control

Dr. Stephanie Green, University of Alberta

Pesticide Registrations: Leaving, New and Coming Soon

Andrea Sawatzky, Health Canada


Aquatic Invasive Species Update

Nicole Kimmel, Government of Alberta


Non-native plant invasions in prairie grasslands

Zoey Archibald, University of Alberta

Forest health in Alberta: native insects and diseases, and potential invaders

Caroline Whitehouse, Government of Alberta

Forest Health in a Changing Climate

Mike Undershultz, Government of Alberta

Invasive Species Surveillance of Tree-attacking Insects in Alberta: A collaboration between the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, The Society to Treat Dutch Elm Disease, and Olds College

Dr. Ken Fry, Olds College

Wetlands, Streams and Weeds Oh My!

Kerri O’Shaughnessy, Cows and Fish

New Invaders – Invasive Annual Grasses

Chris Neeser, Government of Alberta

Wild pigs and disease risks: what we know, what we don’t, and what we do about it

Dr. Mathieu Pruvot, University of Calgary

White-nose syndrome and the invasion of Pseudogymnoascus destructans into Alberta

Cory Olson, Alberta Community Bat Program

How ducks survive bird flu; secrets of the reservoir host

Dr. Katharine Magor, University of Alberta

See you next year in 2024!