AISC 'Don't Let It Loose' Aquarium and Pond Retailer Recognition Program

The 'Don't Let It Loose' campaign creates awareness that releasing aquarium pets, plants, live food, or water is not only damaging to our environment and economy, but it is also illegal. Some of the most serious invasive species were originally sold as pets or plants for aquariums and water gardens. The aquarium and pond industry can be huge allies in promoting this messaging.
The AISC is working with the aquarium and pond industry through our 'Don't Let It Loose' Aquarium and Pond Retailer Recognition Program, which provides aquarium and pond stores and their staff with training materials, educational resources for staff and customers as well as recognition of the aquarium and pond stores from the AISC that pledge to distribute 'Don't Let It Loose' information. For example, when educating customers about feeding, heating, filtration, and appropriate-sized tanks for their animals, integrate the importance of never releasing unwanted pets. Teaching best practices for purchasing the right pet can instill lifelong habits that protect animals and their environments.
If you are an aquarium and pond retailer or work in the aquarium and pond industry and would like to participate or know more information about the 'Don't Let It Loose' Aquarium and Pond Retailer Recognition Program, please email [email protected].
The threat of invasive species continues to grow as new species are introduced through accidental transportation and intentional release. Examples of this within Alberta include over 100 populations of goldfish and koi fish, infestations of the ornamental flowering rush plant in lakes and river systems, and most recently, the nationwide alert for zebra mussels contaminated in aquarium moss (marimo) balls. The establishment of zebra mussels alone in Alberta would devastate aquatic ecosystems, the food chains, and the organisms that live in them and are estimated to cost 75 million dollars per year, primarily through damage to Alberta's irrigation infrastructure.
Aquarium and Pond Stores Supporting 'Don't Let It Loose'
Thank you to all of our 'Certified Don't Let it Loose' Participants - check them out below!
If you would like to participate in the Aquarium & Pond Retailer Recognition Program or have any questions, please contact [email protected]!